IPN consists of members and extraordinary members. Extraordinary members represent additional organisations active in the ICT field, not necessarily involved in research, which want to stay involved and are willing to develop joint activities.
Part of IPN are the Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The SIGs are communities within the larger IPN organisation with a shared interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning or technology where members cooperate to affect or to produce solutions within their particular field, and may communicate, meet, and organise conferences.
Extraordinary members (in alphabetical order)
The Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI) is a KNAW recognized Dutch Research School with the aim to educate researchers and advance academic research in the field of computer systems and imaging systems.
Contact person: Remco Veltkamp (R.C.Veltkamp@uu.nl)
Data Science Platform Nederland (DSPN):
DSPN is the national platform for ICT research within Data Science. The platform unites all Dutch academic institutions where Data Science is carried out from a computer science perspective.
Contact person: Geert-Jan Houben (g.j.p.m.houben@tudelft.nl)
Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences (DTL):
DTL is a public-private partnership of more than 50 Dutch life science organisations which enables professionals in the broad field of life sciences to jointly develop an interconnected research infrastructure.
Contact person: Ruben Kok (ruben.kok@dtle.nl)
Future Computer Systems and Networking (FCSN):
The IPN SIG on Future Computer Systems and Networking (FCSN) is a network of scientists and technology experts in the Netherlands focusing on this exciting research topic. FCSN aims to represent the interests of all Dutch academic institutions, research labs and organizations, and research-oriented societal stakeholders. We develop the field, link with all areas of governance and societal impact in the Netherlands and beyond, and educate the society and the next generation of specialists in this field.
Contact persons: Alexandru Iosup (A.Iosup@vu.nl), Fernando Kuipers (F.A.Kuipers@tudelft.nl) and Paola Grosso (p.grosso@uva.nl).
The Institute for Programming research and Algorithmics (IPA) is a KNAW recognised Dutch Research School with the principal goal to educate researchers and advance academic research in the field of programming research and algorithmics.
Contact person: Alexander Serebrenik (a.serebrenik@tue.nl)
Netherlands e-Science Center (NLeSC):
NLeSC is the Dutch national hub for the development and application of domain overarching software and methods for the scientific community.
Contact person: Joris van Eijnatten (j.vaneijnatten@esciencecenter.nl)
Platform Informatica Onderwijs Nederland (PION):
PION is a network organization in formation for computer science education in Dutch schools (secondary education) in which all relevant stakeholders in the field of computer science education at secondary schools are represented.
Contact person ad interim is Ingrid Breymann (UTwente), l.e.i.breymann@utwente.nl.
Platform Prio:
The Applied ICT Research (PRIO) platform strives for optimal collaboration between ICT research groups at universities of applied sciences, between education and practice-oriented research, and between researchers, companies and social institutions. We encourage collaboration between national bodies and research at universities of applied sciences by bringing people together on various themes. 16 universities of applied sciences are affiliated with PRIO, represented by more than 70 professors (‘lector’ in Dutch).
Contact person via the Website
Platform Wiskunde Nederland (PWN):
PWN represents the Dutch mathematics community and aims to strengthen the financial, administrative, scientific and outreach position of mathematics in the Netherlands.
The Netherlands Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems (SIKS) is a KNAW recognized Dutch Research School with the aim to educate researchers and advance academic research in the field of information and knowledge systems.
Contact person: Arno Siebes (A.P.J.M.Siebes@uu.nl)
SURF is the collaborative ICT organisation for Dutch education and research. SURF offers students, lecturers and scientists in the Netherlands access to the best possible internet and ICT facilities.
Contact person: Ron Augustus (CINO) (Ron.augustus@surf.nl)
TNO was founded by law in 1932 to enable business and government to apply knowledge. The organisation connects people and knowledge to create innovations that boost the sustainable competitive strength of industry and well-being of society.
Contact persons: Omar Niamut (omar.niamut@tno.nl) and Henk-Jan Vink (henk-jan.vink@tno.nl)
Vereniging voor Logica:
Vereniging voor Logica
Contact persons: Nick Bezhanishvili (N.Bezhanishvili@uva.nl) and Helle Hvid Hansen (h.h.hansen@rug.nl)