IPN EDI Working Group
An exceptional initiative is the IPN EDI Working Group that strives to improve equity, diversity and inclusion in the Dutch ICT community. The group organizes concrete actions and events in this area and actively discusses EDI-related topics with policy makers, heads of departments and other relevant stakeholders. The working group holds plenary meetings four times per year. It includes representatives from all Dutch universities as well as CWI and NWO.
Website: IPN EDI Working Group

Ethics in Computer Science
On other special initiative is the IPN working group on Ethics in Computer Science. In recent decades, the global research community has become increasingly aware of the responsibility that researchers bear in conducting research on humans. This ethical awareness encompasses a variety of disciplines, including today technical disciplines such as Computer Science. The aim of the IPN Ethics Working Group is to provide a platform to share information and knowledge about the various Ethics Committees that already exist or are being formed within the various Informatics departments in the Netherlands.
Contact: Jeroen van der Ham (j.vanderham@utwente.nl)