The scientific organizers of ICT with Industry 2024 are Dr. Ben van Werkhoven and Dr. Önder Babur.
Dr. Ben van Werkhoven
Ben van Werkhoven is assistant professor at Leiden University, where he conducts research in automatic software optimization for High Performance Computing. After obtaining his PhD at VU Amsterdam in 2014, he joined the Netherlands eScience center, where he was accelerating science using GPUs as part of many collaborative projects in various disciplines. Ben is the principal investigator of Kernel Tuner, a growing ecosystem of tools for testing and auto-tuning GPU applications. Ben is leading work packages in several large consortia, including NWO (NWA-ORC), EU Horizon 2020, and EuroHPC JU. Ben is also a co-founder of the Netherlands Research Software Engineers community (NL-RSE).
Dr. Önder Babur
Önder Babur is assistant professor (tenure-track) in the Information Technology Group at Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands. He holds a Ph.D. from Eindhoven University of Technology, with which he is still affiliated as a guest researcher. His main research interests lie in the fields of model-driven engineering, systems modelling, software analytics, AI for software engineering and empirical software engineering. Over the years, he has participated in a number of research projects on automotive software engineering, digitalization and industrial automation, precision agriculture and multiscale modelling. He has initiated and co-chaired the International Workshop on Analytics and Mining of Model Repositories, and the International Conference on Systems Modelling and Management. Around the main research lines, he has been collaborating with many international research groups and high tech companies.