IPN Netherlands Prize for ICT Research

Since 2011 The prestigious Netherlands Prize for ICT Research is awarded annually to a scientific researcher who has carried out innovative research or is responsible for a scientific breakthrough in computer science. The prize is intended as a tribute to the prize-winner as well as a promotion of the computer science field.

The €50,000 prize money is awarded jointly by the Dutch ICT research platform IPN and NWO through the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschappij der Wetenschappen). Until 2020 the Prize was funded by The Dutch Science Council NW0. Since 2022 IPN is funding the Prize, in the period 2022-2026 which is made possible with the help of a generous gift of COMMIT\.

Previous winners of the Netherlands Prize for ICT research include:

Dr. Ivano Malavolta – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2024). Watch interview clip
Dr. Cristiano Giuffrida – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2023). Watch interview clip
Dr Jasmin Blanchette – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2022). Watch interview clip.
Dr. Felienne Hermans – Leiden University (2021) ==> Watch interview clip.
Dr Pablo Cesar – Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) (2020) ==> Watch interview clip.
Professor Elmar Eisemann – Delft University of Technology (2019)
Professor Joost Batenburg – CWI / Leiden University (2018)
Dr Peter Schwabe – Nijmegen University (2017)
Professor Alexandru Iosup – Delft University of Technology/ VU Amsterdam (2016)
Dr Birna van Riemsdijk – Delft University of Technology (2015)
Professor Marieke Huisman – University of Twente (2013)
Dr Cees Snoek – University of Amsterdam (2012)
Professor Bettina Speckmann – Eindhoven University of Technology (2011)